If you are religious or spiritual, then you believe that each of us has a soul that lives on after we die. But what about those who are not spiritual? I include myself in this group because I'm not sold on the biblical definition of a soul. I do think that each of us has energy that facilitates our thinking and movements -- the tiny electrical charges in the synapses of our brains that tells us where we left the car keys, reminds us of moments from our past, and controls everything from the coordination it takes to drive a car to the rhythm of our heartbeat. The second law of thermodynamics makes it clear that energy doesn't just vanish, so what happens to it?
One possibility is that when we die, this energy escapes and for a single, bright moment, who we are is captured in a tightly bound net of electrical energy. Why just one moment? Because that's all it takes. Matter can not travel faster than the speed of light, but energy can. What happens when something travels at the speed of light? Time stops. I'm not sure what happens after that...or how this would explain intelligent hauntings -- but it is a first step for someone who was once kicked out of Sunday school for asking too many questions.
Could this net of energy be the soul? I suppose it could. And I am open to the possibility that the religious and spiritual among us are right, about everything. But I need more proof. I have several more questions to find the answers to.
We are also looking for more proof. We each have had expericences that we can't explain. This has brought us to do more research on the paranormal. There is so much out there and who knows what is right. We'll keep looking for answers.
Thanks, nice article.
Wow--we're sympatico. I absolutely respect anyone who is willing to question, test, and ask even more questions, and then question the answers given to them. It's people who are spoonfed what "ghosts" are that make me shake my head. No one knows what they really are, just like we don't know what happens when we die until we die. Death is all about conjecture. I find it intriguing looking for clues and testing things and observing phenomonen and then coming to my own conclusion, not based on what others told me, but on what I know to be true from all the evidence I've accrued. Keep it up!
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